

eing close to her helps us maintain physical, mental and spiritual health. All human beings have a neurobiological connection with nature. Being in contact with her provides us with physical and mental well-being. Nature is incredible and has many wonders to offer us. Being in contact with her helps us to recharge and relax, so it is the best remedy every time we need to collect our thoughts and regain serenity. A walk in the city or resting at home does not achieve the same results as going for a walk, enjoying a nap in the grass, going to the beach to sunbathe, feeling the mist on your face, etc. The longer, the more natural and isolated the environment, the better the results.  Being in a natural environment, away from noise, consumerism ... has a great health effect. Here are some of the benefits of being in contact with nature: 1. Stimulate your creativity. The amount of energy that nature offers us stimulates our neurons and this favors our cognitive development and learning. Mo